Few words about forum from the organizer:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
if you are looking for information about our forum, the topic of the technical cleanliness is important in your work. You are in the right place! Technical Cleanliness Forum & EXPO is an opportunity to meet experts and exchange knowledge and experience in the field of production and assembly processes requiring technical cleanliness.
Looking at how the forum was created, I can say that everything is possible! The forum was created in our dreams a few years ago, during talks about the MTM academy. Then one of our colleagues noticed that there is no place in Poland where we can talk to others and share our knowledge and experience in the field of industrial cleaning. After many conversations, it turned out that the subject of industrial cleaning of components is too narrow, because many of our clients are also struggling to keep cleanliness at further stages of the production process, i.e. during inspection, transport and assembly. It was necessary to extend the forum formula with the requirements of VDA 19.2.

Why do we start with industrial deburring as the first operation on the way to the goal? When planning the forum with our clients, we asked ourselves, where does the struggle for technical cleanliness in the production process begin? We knew that since the last production operation, most often the last machining process. But is it a deburring process? It occured that wherever our customers reach the highest standards of cleanliness, the components are deburred firstly. Talking about technical cleanliness, excluding the process of deburring, it’s like blinking an eye during beer advertising and saying, “NON-ALCOHOLIC”. In other words, the cleanliness in the test in accordance with VDA 19.1 is achieved, but it is better not to look inside the component, because there is a burr that will break off during its operation. In that case, the quality asks whether the component is clean or not?
We do not want to blink our eyes. We want to provide you with professional knowledge and share the best practices in the field of achieving technical cleanliness every day. The car industry is undergoing revolutionary changes regarding alternative drives and autonomous driving. We want that the forum is a place where discussion about the future and what awaits us is going on.
Starting with the I International Technical Cleanliness Forum & EXPO, I wish you that you, inspired by others, will find your own way to ensure technical cleanliness in your companies and ensure their market success.
Maciej Płonka MSc, (MBA)
Founder & CEO Parts4cleaning Sp. z o.o.