Speaker: Sławomir Zgóra
Company: EATON
Title of presenctation: EATON filtration systems for industrial cleaning machines.
Description: A graduate of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering in Gliwice. He started his nearly 20 years of professional experience working in a company that offers equipment for the paint and varnish industry, exploring the processes of homogenization, despairing as well as rubbing and filtration.
A specialist in widely understood industrial filtration. In the years from 2000 to 2003, he indirectly cooperated with HAYWARD, GAF. Since 2004, he has been working directly at HAYWARD as a Sales Manager and at the same time as a specialist in industrial filtration. In 2006, HAYWARD became part of EATON Technologies. During this period, he worked on various filtration solutions for hundreds of Polish companies, gaining considerable experience in the field of industrial filtration.
A husband and father of two children. He has been connected with Gliwice since his birth, his motto is: that all of Poland is his home.
During the PARTS4CLEANIG conference, he will discuss the filtration solutions intended for the industry and used in the washing process.